Acupuncture is a promising treatment for premenstrual symptoms, according to a systematic review by Korean authors. Ten RCTs were included in their review. The pooled results demonstrated acupuncture to be superior to all controls. Acupuncture significantly improved symptoms when … [Read more...]
Acupuncture for labour pain management
A Cochrane Database systematic review has concluded that acupuncture and acupressure may have a role in reducing pain, increasing satisfaction with pain management and reducing use of pharmacological management for women in labour. Thirteen trials with data on 1986 women were … [Read more...]
Balancing Needles and Cigars
SOMEHOW I always knew my executive pursuits would end with me lying face down on a massage table at Sage Hampton Spa in Wainscott, N.Y., naked except for a towel around my waist, perforated from head to toe by two dozen fine filiform Chinese acupuncture needles, splayed out like … [Read more...]
A Chinese Art, In the Context Of the West
Acupuncture is a traditional Chinese medicine that has been in use for thousands of years. At your first evaluation, a practitioner will examine your tongue for clues like cracks and discolorations, take your pulse and ask numerous questions to determine what might … [Read more...]
Acupuncture May Help, but You’ll Need to Pay
Ms. Kumar, then 29, went to see an obstetrician-gynecologist for help. “The doctor said there wasn’t anything she could do for me because I was under age 35 and had been trying to conceive for less than year — even though it was … [Read more...]