Like Acupuncture, aches and pains in the head and neck have been around for thousands of years. However, recent changes of policy by the Advertising Standards Authority have resulted in very strict rules governing what we are allowed to say about Acupuncture and Headaches. This applies particularly to the term Migraine – since it is a recognised Western medical ailment and there is no Western medical study proving its efficacy.
Battlefield Acupuncture for Pain
Nevertheless, real life seems to be helping to provide proof in spite of these rules. Battlefield Acupuncture is achieving remarkable improvements for those suffering from a range of physical aches and pains all over the body, as evidenced by its effects on soldiers injured on the battlefields of Afghanistan.
US Medics have been trained in this skill and they now carry the packs of tiny needles so that they can treat their colleagues where they lay and help to keep them free of pain from some horrendous wounds.
Back in the treatments of Acupuncturists around the world, this type of auricular acupuncture is now practised for sufferers of persistent tension headaches combined with flashing lights and visual disturbances.
Call 01702 711749 to find out more about the relief of head pain
Lorna Withers has been trained in these new techniques and has had a number of successful outcomes through their use.
Using Acupuncture With Migraine and Headaches
The British Acupuncture Council has produced two leaflets for more information on the subject.