What is Acupuncture?
Acupuncture is part of a 3000-year-old system of medicine developed in the Far East. As an holistic treatment, it considers the whole person as well as the symptoms in order to establish and address the root of the illness. This reduces the chances of the condition recurring.
A large part of the treatment involves detailed questioning of the patient about their lifestyle and health issues. The pulse is taken and the tongue observed to build up a complete picture of the patient and their condition, after which needles are placed in the appropriate points.
Additional heat may also be added to boost the treatment through the process of moxibustion.
The new Advertising Standards Authority ruling means that, despite 3000 years of history, we are not allowed to make claims about its effectiveness with Western medical complaints unless we can also provide a link to a Western medical study to back it up.
The British Acupuncture Council has produced a series of fact sheets which help to explain how it can work with a variety of conditions, including fertility, aches and pains and general well being.