The concept of Qi is central to acupuncture because it is this vital, Qi energy, which motivates and determines our physical and emotional health. When this energy is unbalanced, we develop ‘disease’. It s the patients’ Qi therefore that the acupuncturist works with.
So How Does Acupuncture Work?
Well, Qi flows through the body along pathways known as meridians and at specific points on each meridian the energy can be accessed and rebalanced. Acupuncturists rebalance the body’s energy by inserting needles into these acupuncture points, which will have been chosen with the help of a detailed diagnosis of the individual patient.
Lorna usually encourages patients to actively participate in their own healing by considering lifestyle issues, such as diet, exercise and stress triggers, which may be contributing to their condition with a view to making changes to complement their treatment with her. This also plays a profound role in the establishment of balance and greater well being for patients – as was Lorna’s personal experience in her own treatment
Once the Qi is balanced, the patient’s body -and mind -can begin to heal itself.