Because acupuncture is very often successful at resolving short and long term, upper and lower back pain it is one of the most common complaints that people ask me to treat with acupuncture. Conventional medicine has even “medically” proven its efficacy.
Acupuncture gets to the centre of your back pain with the insertion of fine needles into your tight, knotted muscles to literally relax and release the constricted fibres. Greater circulation of blood and body fluids is also increased by the needles to aid muscle relaxation and repair any damage. Once the needles are in place you will also experience an all-over sense of calm.
We all know that living with any constant pain is exhausting so this deep relaxation is a welcome side effect which also breaks the vicious circle of pain, causing tension, causing more pain, causing more tension.
Call 07960 852338 to relieve your back pain today
How can Acupuncture help with pain in all parts of the back
Because acupuncture uses needles, it can reach the deeper, tight muscle fibres of the body. The point gall bladder 30 for example is right in the middle of the gluteal muscle of the buttock where the piriformis muscle lies and it can be effectively accessed and released with needles, and moxa, if necessary to alleviate the pain of sciatica.
Moxibustion for relaxation and pain relief
Further relaxation of you, and your muscles, can be achieved with the penetrating heat of moxa (moxibustion) or pressure from suction cups (cupping therapy).
Once relaxed the muscle pain, along with referred nerve pain can gradually disappear – referred nerve pain is often the result of compression from the tight muscle – and with your back pain gone you can bin the pain killers and/or anti-inflammatories.
How your ears can help relieve your discomfort fast
And, should it take a little while to sort out your pain it may still be possible to do away with medication and substitute the ear points of battlefield acupuncture.
Also known as auricular acupuncture, these tiny needles can produce instant and effective pain relief by blocking pain signals to the brain.
And then the rest of your body joins in
Acupuncture will heal your back pain not just at the exterior physical level of muscles but also by deeply relaxing your whole body and strengthening the organs of the body to give the spine, and you, more robust support.
The kidneys for example, are responsible for nourishing the spine, the spleen for supporting the muscles and the liver blood for nourishing the tendons and ligaments. By strengthening these organs therefore your back pain will heal at a deep level and be less likely to come back.
How you can stop yourself from going backwards again
Finally, as your spine is your main support, back pain can be an indicator of too much pressure on you and therefore on your back – your support.
Identifying sources of stress in your life can empower you to make positive changes to reduce or get rid of them and the resulting back pain and by making these changes result in a long lasting, pain free back and spine.